Many iPhone owners who are thinking about finding a programme to jailbreak have the same question: Is it legal to jailbreak? iPhone 4 users are not alone - the whole iPhone family can be jailbroken in order to allow users extra functionality and freedom. There are so many incentives to jailbreak iPhone 4, not only does it allow you to be free of the restrictions Apple build into their products, it also allows you to make use of the millions of incredible 3rd party applications which Apple can't (or won't) include in its app store.
These formerly inaccessible apps allow you to do some fantastic things once you find out how to jailbreak. Turn your iPhone into a cinema, a wireless hotspot, a games console, a telly - the list is as endless as your imagination! With all these incredible incentives to jailbreak iPhone 4, why do so few people actually get round to doing it?
For many, the legality issue is a problem. It does feel a bit dodgy to break the rules. Yet rules are made to be broken and there is absolutely no legal reason not to jailbreak, unless you're doing to expressly to download or use pirated software or programmes. In the US, you are legally allowed to break DRM (Digital Rights Management) as long as it is done only to make your device 'interoperable' (able to use software and apps designed for other devices).
The UK takes its cues from EU legislation where it is also perfectly legal to jailbreak iPhone 4, 5, 2, 3, 3G…whatever your favourite device is. All of these laws come with the caveat: "as long as you aren't doing so to use pirated software or files" so bear that in mind!
Whilst it is legal to jailbreak, Apple can penalise and punish you for doing it. They state that jailbreaking can jeopardise the functionality of your phone and on these grounds will void the warrantees of phones which have been jailbroken - this will make it tough to get your phone repaired if it comes to harm. In reality however, the motivation behind the practice of voiding warrantees is more about putting people off than keeping their phones safe.
A significant amount of Apples revenue stems from how inclusive it is. Apple users use the app store, use iTunes, use Apple sanctioned apps…essentially, if you don't jailbreak, Apple have the monopoly - this means you spend all your money with Apple and don't enjoy the benefit of true technological freedom!
In conclusion then, it is completely legal to jailbreak iPhone 4, you may void your warranty in doing so but it is a small price to pay for radically improved functionality, fun and freedom!
About the Author
iJailbreakiPhone are jailbreaking experts. They offer a 100% safe service to allow you jailbreak iPhone 4 and all other iPhone models. With 24/7 support and refunds for unsatisfied customers, when you want to jailbreak iPhone 4, just ask iJailbreakiPhone.--------------------